Ready to Renew?

Spark now has 5 different rating renewal options to receive an updated Spark certificate.
If you have already reached out to request an updated certificate you can also choose any of the 5

Steps to Renew

  1. Complete a  Spark Program Update Report (SPUR)
    • Choose option 2, “I would like an updated certificate showing my rating is current.”
  2. Choose one of the renewal options listed below.
  3. Submit your selected option for rating renewal to for review.
  4. You will receive an updated star rating certificate good for an additional year.

Resubmit your portfolio for a higher rating (There is a 2022 version that may be
easier to complete and show evidence for. If you choose to resubmit and want the updated
version let us know.)

Contact if you would like to have the 2022 version.